u6 snrnp การใช้
- The association of U6 snRNP with U2 snRNP via base-pairing forms the U6-U2 complex, a structure that comprises the active site of the spliceosome.
- The introns are cut at the 5 and 3 splice sites . The U1 snRNP binds to the 5 splice site, while U6 snRNP binds to the 3 splice site.
- Base-pair specificity of the U6 snRNA allows the U6 snRNP to bind tightly to the U4 snRNA and loosely to the U5 snRNA of a triple-snRNP during the initial phase of the splicing reaction.
- Naked U6 snRNA is very compact and has little room to form base pairs with other RNA . However, when U6 snRNP associates with proteins such as Prp24, the structure is much more open, thus facilitating the binding to U4.
- U1 snRNP is the initiator of spliceosomal activity in the cell by base pairing with the hnRNA . In the major spliceosome, experimental data has shown that the U1 snRNP is present in equal stoichiometry with U2, U4, U5, and U6 snRNP . However, U1 snRNP's abundance in human cells is far greater than that of the other snRNPs.